
Want Studio recognizes the importance of a sustainable future. It’s no longer acceptable for designers to passively make products, brands, and systems that actively harm the environment, our communities, and future generations. Doing better isn’t an option—so we make every intention to help mitigate the problems we face.

  • We find ourselves at a pivotal juncture. The traditional approach of crafting ‘things’ and iffy ideas no longer represents the fullest expression of our capabilities. The imperative now is to harness our talents in shaping the innovative, appealing products of the future, grounded in a commitment to environmental stewardship and societal well-being. Things happen slowly, and while Want Studio is extremely small, we aim to do our part. We are transitioning from a period of contemplation to one of active engagement, embodying the shift from ideation to implementation.

    Justin Carey,

  • A 10% discount is provided to BIPOC and LGBTQ+ clients.

  • We recognize the profound impact the design industry has on our planet. Our commitment to environmental sustainability is at the core of our creative practice, driving us to innovate and lead by example. We are dedicated to integrating sustainable practices into every aspect of our work, striving to not only minimize our environmental footprint but also to inspire positive change within the design community.

    Actions for Sustainable Practice:

    Sustainable Materials:

    • We prioritize the use of recycled, responsibly sourced, and eco-friendly materials in all our projects. This includes paper, packaging, and office supplies.

    Digital Optimization:

    • Our studio maximizes the use of digital proofs and presentations to minimize paper waste. When printing is necessary, we use eco-friendly inks and printing methods.

    Eco-conscious Partnerships:

    • We collaborate with suppliers, clients, and partners who share our environmental values, ensuring that our supply chain supports sustainable practices.

    Continuous Learning:

    • Our team is dedicated to staying informed about the latest sustainable design practices and technologies. We regularly participate in workshops and training to enhance our eco-friendly design capabilities.

    Community Engagement:

    • We engage in community initiatives and pro bono projects that promote environmental awareness and sustainability.


    • We are committed to transparency regarding our environmental practices and regularly review and communicate our progress towards achieving our sustainability goals.

    By embedding sustainability into the heart of our creative process, we not only enhances the quality and relevance of our work but also contributes to a healthier planet. We invite our clients, collaborators, and the broader design community to join us in this vital journey towards a more sustainable future.


Global Health and Poverty Alleviation

→ GiveDirectly - Directly transferring money to those living in extreme poverty.

→ Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance - Increasing access to immunization in poor countries.

→ The Against Malaria Foundation - Providing long-lasting insecticidal nets to populations at high risk of malaria.

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

→ The Nature Conservancy - Working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters.

→ Rainforest Alliance - Working to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods.

→ Ocean Conservancy - Focusing on strategic solutions to restore the world's oceans.

Education and Empowerment

→ Room to Read - Focusing on literacy and gender equality in education across Asia and Africa.

→ Malala Fund - Championing every girl's right to 12 years of free, safe, quality education.

→ Khan Academy - Providing free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

Human Rights and Social Justice

→ Amnesty International - Working to protect human rights worldwide.

→ Human Rights Watch - Conducting research and advocacy on human rights.

→ ACLU - Defending individual rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid

→ Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) - Providing medical aid where it's needed most.

→ International Rescue Committee - Responding to the world’s worst humanitarian crises.

→ Direct Relief - Providing medical assistance to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty.

Animal Welfare and Wildlife Conservation

→ WWF - Working in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment.

→ The ASPCA - Dedicated to preventing cruelty to animals.

→ International Fund for Animal Welfare - Saving individual animals, animal populations, and habitats.

Creative Arts and Cultural Preservation

→ Smithsonian Institution - Supporting the world's largest museum, education, and research complex.

→ National Endowment for the Arts - Funding American arts projects with artistic excellence.

Industries & practices excluded from our ethical business framework

Companies or Industries with Anti-LGBTQ+ Policies or Rhetoric: Businesses that openly support anti-LGBTQ+ legislation or have discriminatory policies.

Industries Engaged in Racial or Gender Discrimination:
Companies known for systemic discrimination in hiring, promotion, or treatment of employees.

Religious Institutions with Exclusionary Practices:
Organizations that actively discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals or other groups.

Political Groups with Regressive Agendas:
Parties or political organizations that oppose human rights, climate action, social equity, or LGBTQ+ rights.

Media Outlets Spreading Misinformation or Hate Speech:
Networks or publications that consistently disseminate false information or hateful rhetoric.

Industries Exploiting Vulnerable Populations:
Businesses that benefit from the exploitation of marginalized groups.

Corporations Supporting Oppressive Regimes:
Companies that do business with or in countries known for extreme human rights violations.

Surveillance Technology Providers Used for Oppression:
Companies that sell technology used by governments or other entities for surveillance and oppression.

Gentrification and Displacement Developers:
Real estate developments that contribute to the gentrification of neighborhoods, often at the expense of lower-income communities and cultural heritage.

Industries Contributing to Educational Inequality:
Companies or sectors that exacerbate disparities in educational access and quality.

Healthcare Entities Denying Reproductive Rights:
Organizations that restrict or deny access to comprehensive reproductive health services.

Organizations Supporting or Promoting Climate Change Denial:
Groups that actively deny or undermine scientific consensus on climate change.

Chemical Manufacturing:
Industries that produce chemicals harmful to the environment or human health.

Automotive Industry Focusing on Non-Electric Vehicles:
Traditional automotive companies not actively transitioning to electric or sustainable models.

Harmful Junk Food and Sugary Beverage Industries:
Products criticized for contributing to public health issues.

Excessive Consumerism:
Industries that promote unsustainable consumption patterns and often have questionable, exploitative, or slavor-labor practices.

Private Prison Industry:
Associated with ethical issues around incarceration, human rights, and profiting from the prison system.

Mass Tourism and Ecologically Destructive Travel:
Industries that contribute to over-tourism, leading to environmental damage and cultural erosion.

Commercial Logging and Deforestation:
Contributing to habitat destruction, loss of biodiversity, and climate change.

Fossil Fuel Industry:
A major contributor to climate change and environmental degradation.

Tobacco Industry:
Known for its impact on public health and criticized for marketing practices.

Firearms and Defense Industry:
Raises ethical concerns due to association with violence, conflict, and war.

Ultra-Fast Fashion Industry:
Companies engaging in unsustainable practices, environmental harm, and poor labor conditions. (Excludes companies actively and effectively working towards transforming their business practices.)

Large-Scale Agriculture and Animal Farming:
Criticized for environmental impact, animal welfare issues, and climate change contribution.

Plastic and Non-Biodegradable Materials Manufacturing:
Contributes significantly to pollution and environmental harm.

Exploitative Mining and Extraction Industries:
Involved in practices leading to environmental degradation and labor exploitation.

Pharmaceuticals with Unethical Practices:
Criticized for price gouging, lack of transparency in clinical trials, and profit-over-public-health practices.

Palm Oil Industry:
Associated with deforestation, habitat destruction, and violation of indigenous rights.

Tech Companies with Poor Data Ethics:
Companies that misuse data or contribute to the erosion of digital rights.

Gambling and Betting Industry:
Criticized for exploiting addiction and contributing to social problems.

Predatory Lending and Certain Financial Services:
Includes payday loans, high-interest credit cards, and exploitative banking practices.

Nuclear Energy:
Viewed as problematic due to long-term waste management issues and potential for catastrophic accidents.

Pesticide and Agrochemical Industry:
Known for their negative impact on the environment and potential health risks.

Electronic Waste Management:
Industries not adequately addressing the environmental and health impacts of e-waste.

Fast Food Chains with Unsustainable Practices:
Criticized for environmental impact, unhealthy food options, and labor issues.

Adult Entertainment Industry:
Due to concerns over exploitation, human trafficking, and societal impact.

Unethical AI and Tech Development:
Companies that develop technology without regard for ethical implications, privacy concerns, or societal impact.

Equity Pricing

A 5% discount is provided to projects started by BIPOC and LGBTQ+ clients.

Contact us.

Brooklyn, New York


  • We aim to contribute positive change and impact through our work. The design industry is historically consumer-centric, so we choose to mindfully craft experiences, identities, and goods with humble regard to the health and wellbeing of our planet and one another. We work with clients equally conscious of contemporary issues.

  • It’s important to truly listen and understand diverse perspectives. We strive for inclusivity, approaching each project with consideration and empathy for our underserved communities. Regardless of the type of project we take on, we always seek to discover and implement beauty, value, ethics, and efficacy.

  • Many of us are feeling disheartened by the soaring challenges we face—globally and locally. We certainly feel this way. But art, design, and innovation generate opportunities to effect the change we want to see in the world. Together, we can make beautiful, playful, and neighborly things for the causes and communities we care about.

  • Too often we try to predict the unpredictable. We can undoubtedly take measures to mitigate the unwanted, the undesirable, and the uncertain. But being hyper focused on achieving a specific result, or miming someone else’s results, can lead to missed opportunities and achievements. We want you to succeed through aim over impulse.

  • Art, culture, history, technology—all vital for prosperity. These tools provide meaning, purpose, and metamorphosis. Our human story inspires us to view a problem from various angles, understand contextual challenges, and work toward finding solutions and impact through the lens of design and a future-forward blueprint. In a world plagued by consumerism, consuming what already exists helps us find our exact coordinates on the map to evolution.

  • We value our planet and sustainability. Our design practices are actively shifting to take into account the global climate crisis. We might not have all the answers but we can make an effort, and with you as a collaborator, we can discover new and impactful solutions to create products, services, and identities that shift old narratives and practices. This may include migrating traditionally printed materials to digital platforms, or finding ways to lower our carbon footprint and mitigate waste.

    “Everything needs to change – and it has to start today.” - Greta Thunberg.